Sturdy shoes are good for the sole

Sturdy shoes are good for the sole

Temperatures are dropping and playing tag with that dreaded freezing point. Wearing good quality layered clothing helps defeat the cold. Comfortable and sturdy shoes are the icing on the cake. Our beloved influencers got the message. Discover below how they top off their favourite autumn outfits with a trendy pair of Tamaris NEWD.’s.

Source: Instagram page of Ruth @ruthvansoom

Get the look:

Object at Juttu - La Redoute - Tamaris NEWD. - Unisa

Ichi at Juttu - CKS - Tamaris NEWD. - GUESS

Who wears it best?

Source: Instagram page Elif @thatsaleaf
​Source: Instagram page Tine
​Source: Instagram page Julie

About Trends

In need of inspiration? Every season, we select the most telling images from our brands in various thematic press kits. Need some additional information or anything specific? Don't hesitate to contact us!

Regine Beerplein 1/b C105
B-2018 Antwerpen