Saving Time

Saving Time

„A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went”

One out of three Belgians find it difficult or even impossible to save some money at the end of the month, so turned out in a recent research. Furthermore, many of them have difficulties to pay the bills at the end of the month. 

Because small steps lead to big results, we give you 3 saving tips:

1. Make a shopping list.

Grocery shopping, hunger and the lack of a shopping list is probably one of the worst combinations in budget management. And one of the easiest to change. Please plan your trip to the supermarket. Make a list and stick to it. Take your time. Less unnecessary purchases, more money in the pocket.

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2. Make your own coffee-on-the-go.

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Each purchase is a purchase to evaluate. Also the ones that fit so perfectly into your independent lifestyle. That passing by the fun coffee place for latte on the go in the morning? Nice for you, but not for your budget. Skip it a few days and keep the money aside for something else. You can’t or won’t give it up? Take your own cup to the nice barista and ask them to fill it with your favourite cappuccino. Or, even better, put some homemade coffee in a reusable cup and enjoy it during your trip.  You’ll save a lot of money by this little change.

3. Spend less money on clothes.

Last but not least, one budget you perfectly can control, is your own personal shopping budget. We will never say that you can’t buy any clothes, but please do manage that budget. Yes, you deserve each month the pleasure of fashion, but put some money aside for it. And if you want more than you can afford, save a few months and then indulge. You can thank us later.


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B-2018 Antwerpen